Month: April 2009

  •     Want to see more Ashby Prom images- Slideshow DVD available with all images.  Call Dawn to purchase today.  Individual portraits in addition to packages already purchased are available upon request.  Go to and contact me via the website.  Thanks to the AMAZING Juniors/Seniors and dates of Ashby for making it a FABULOUS place to photograph! 

  • Time...


    I sit here today and realize it's already Wednesday and just wonder how I could get the Lord or father time to give me just a few extra hours that no one else gets.  I've hired Alisha who now comes in everyday after school and  which has made my working environment much more pleasant.  Although yesterday, she came in and boldly stated "Holy crap!  What happened it looks like a tornado went through your office!"  Yeah that would be me frantically searching for the kind of Geese I need to purchase for my pond theme to make them look bigger than ducks!  I knew I had it written and I could visualize the book it was in but could I find the book- NO!  I think having someone else organize you is great but it would be nice if they were here ALL the time to show me where it went!  Can't wait til summer when I have my girls here all the time to keep me where I need to be!  I realize that I've now hired 2 VERY organized teens and am THRILLED!  I swear that way I can just remain creative!    Perhaps it's a sign that no matter how organized I am I still    feel a bit disorganized!   We found the notebook in a PERFECT place where it should be but not without the tornado first. 
           Earlier today, I spoke with my mom on the phone, whom I have always perceived as a successful AND organized woman only to realize that she too would like more time to "catch up"so I realize that my problem is not only mine and perhaps I can just blame or thank her for how I am!  That's what mom's are for after all isn't it?  I'm finding that out more now that I'm the mother of TWO teenagers!  Hmmmm.... hug your babies twice today and leave the organizing for later- MUCH later!  I did and I'm so very glad that I cherished all those days and didn't worry about the spotless/organized life I so thought a "good mom/woman" could do. 
           My mind though and my creativity is VERY organized and I can remember/find any image of days gone by and I know immediately what it looked like so... you take the good, you take the bad, you take them all and there you have....The facts of life!!! (Loved that show- does that date me as much as I think it does?)
          Had a little "show and tell" yesterday with this weeks images.  Yes that is what I love most-  Taking the pictures and then creating my vision is totally so self rewarding.  Paul get's frustrated with "Show and Tell" as he's all about "business" and time management (yawn....)  But now that I have the girls after school he's no longer tortured too much and I can't WAIT for school to let out so I can have my time. 


  • The Week just keeps getting better.  These are the granddaughters of my seamstress!  My first TU TU's of the week after the storm.  Again Pink is the hit but wait til you see the blues-  I just sit and laugh as I proof all your beautiful images.  Thanks to those who joined me in my play time.  If you're not here yet please be patient... I'm soooo sorry!  I'll get a few peaks for everyone by weeks end.  Dawn

  • Inspite of weather...

    Life has a way of throwing curve balls in our best laid game plans and this week was one of them.  The week of our TU TU Cute promotion brought yet another snowstorm of 2008-2009 winter.  I guess it's spring but one could never tell by looking out the window.  All the scheduled promotions for Monday through Wednesday were rescheduled due to weather and boy were there some disappointed little girls and one very disappointed BIG girl!  I live to play and especially in this weather the playing is what keeps me alive!  But...we survived the disappointment and for the rest of the week we were able to dance away!  What a fun promotion and Rita...thanks for the BEAUTIFUL tu tu's you created for me.  PINK was the FAV amongst all the girls and mom's.  We were able to get a couple colors in on some but most just wanted to play in the pink. 
    This is Hope... I first met hope when she was a "little" girl (smile) and now she's a "big" girl.  What a beauty and her smile and eyes are just captivating.  As I photographed her, I turned to see her mom and auntie watching this little beauty and I knew right then that in about 20 years, I could turn on her wedding day and see the same look in their eyes...Where has the time gone and what a beautiful young lady she has become.  The love and sentiment in both of their eyes brought tears to mine.